
Libwebp Javascript - beta

WebP - weppy - libwebpjs - offline - decoder-encoder - HTML5

go back to first / second release --- Release: 08/31/2011

Decoder demo (with alpha support): ( WebP -> PNG )

Drag your *.webp image into the field (only Chrome & Firefox)

or use one of the demo image - Your browser may freeze for a few seconds

crop - x: y: w: h: - In. dec. - buf: bytes - wait sec
no_fancy_upsampling bypass_filtering

Your Browser cannot show canvas

Speed result: - n/a

Encoder demo: ( bitmap, png, jpg -> WebP )

Drop your bitmap, png, jpg in the field below and click "encode"

or use one of the sample images for encoding:


Input Image:
Your Browser cannot show canvas

Your browser may freeze for a few seconds

Output: Can only seen in Chrome & Opera

Save the result:

Speed result: - n/a

libwebpjs - the libwebp implementation in javascript by Dominik Homberger (Dominikhlbg)